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Why Are We Wired to Fear Money? Unraveling the Psychological Complexities

Why Are We Wired to Fear Money? Unraveling the Psychological Complexities

June 26, 20238 min read

Why Are We Wired to Fear Money? Unraveling the Psychological Complexities

Whether you're running a business or managing a household, cash flow can trigger fear and stress. Two of the biggest stressors are payroll and expenses. But have you ever wondered why money can make us feel so scared? Let's dive deep into the psychological complexities of our relationship with money and uncover the reasons behind our fear.

In the realm of business, financial matters hold immense significance. As an entrepreneur or business owner, it is vital to clearly understand your cash flow and financial statements, such as your profit and loss (P&L) statement. However, it is common for individuals to fear or be reluctant when faced with these financial aspects.

At times, business owners, ranging from those with $2 million in revenue to those with $50 million in revenue, express uncertainty or even avoidance when questioned about their cash flow or closed P&L. But why does this happen? Why are we wired to fear money?

Understanding the Psychological Complexities of Our Relationship with Money

Symbolism of Power and Security

Money holds significant symbolism in terms of power and security. It provides us with a sense of control over our lives and the ability to fulfill our basic needs and desires. The more money we possess, the more power and security we believe we have.

Self-Worth and Identity

Our financial status and wealth often intertwine with our self-worth and identity. Society commonly equates financial success with personal achievement and value. As a result, our perception of our own worthiness and capabilities becomes tied to our financial accomplishments.

Emotional Attachments and Comfort

Money can evoke strong emotions and attachments. It represents comfort, stability, and a sense of familiarity. The fear of losing money or facing financial instability can generate significant anxiety and distress, threatening our emotional well-being and the sense of security we associate with money.

Influence of Social Comparisons

We frequently compare our financial status with that of others, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy or superiority. Social comparisons can impact our self-esteem and influence our behaviors and financial decisions. The desire to keep up with or surpass others financially can create a perpetual cycle of chasing wealth and reinforcing our relationship with money.

Conditioning and Learned Beliefs

Our upbringing, cultural influences, and societal conditioning play vital roles in shaping our beliefs and attitudes toward money. Messages received during childhood, cultural norms, and societal expectations can deeply influence our perspectives on financial matters. These learned beliefs and conditioning patterns can either support or hinder our ability to establish a healthy and balanced relationship with money.

By recognizing and exploring these factors, we can gain insight into the intricate nature of our relationship with money. This understanding allows us to better comprehend ourselves and work towards developing a healthier and more conscious approach to our financial lives.

Money as a Symbol of Identity and Self-Worth

Status and Social Standing

In contemporary society, wealth and financial success are often associated with social status and standing. Possessing significant financial resources can elevate one's perceived social position and influence. Consequently, individuals may tie their self-worth to their financial accomplishments, believing that their monetary achievements define their value in the eyes of others.

Fear of Failure and Inadequacy

The fear of money is often rooted in the fear of failure or inadequacy. Financial struggles or setbacks can be internalized as personal shortcomings or a reflection of one's abilities. Society expects success in accumulating wealth to be synonymous with competence and capability. Failing to meet these expectations can lead to a sense of shame and insecurity, contributing to the fear of money.

Personal Validation and Validation from Others

Money can become a source of personal validation and validation from others. Individuals may seek external recognition and approval through their financial achievements, hoping that their wealth will affirm their value and worthiness. The fear of money arises from the anxiety of not receiving this validation or facing judgment and criticism if financial success is not attained.

Understanding the role of identity and self-worth in relation to financial accomplishments allows for a deeper understanding of the fear and anxieties surrounding money. By exploring and challenging these beliefs, individuals can work towards developing a more balanced perspective, detached from external validation and focused on intrinsic values.

The Influence of Childhood Experiences

Parental Influence

Parents play a crucial role in shaping children's attitudes and beliefs about money. How parents discuss and handle finances, their attitudes towards saving, spending, and debt, and their

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Overcoming the Fear and Programming: 3 Steps to Embrace Your Business Cash Flow Resulting in making more money

Are you ready to conquer your fears and take control of your business cash flow? It's time to break free from the anxiety and uncertainty surrounding money. Let's dive into three powerful steps that will help you overcome the fear and programming holding you back!

Step 1: Embrace Financial Awareness

Cultivating financial awareness is the first key to conquering your fear of money. Whether running a business or managing your household finances, facing your fear begins with acknowledging and understanding your financial situation.

Take a moment to review your cash flow, analyze your P&L statement, and become familiar with the financial aspects of your business. By gaining knowledge and awareness, you'll empower yourself to make informed decisions and alleviate anxiety. Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to your finances!

Step 2: Rewiring Your Mind through Neuroplasticity and Hypnosis

Our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, and it's time to challenge any limiting beliefs or negative associations you have with money. Your brain has an incredible ability called neuroplasticity, which means it can change and rewire itself based on your experiences and thoughts. By harnessing the power of neuroplasticity, combined with the practice of hypnosis, you can transform your mindset and overcome your money fears.

Take a moment to reflect on your current mindset and identify any fears or misconceptions that may be holding you back. Are there beliefs like "I'm not good with money" or "Money is hard to come by" that limit your financial potential? Recognize these thoughts as opportunities for growth and change.

It's time to replace those limiting beliefs with positive and empowering thoughts. Hypnosis can be a powerful tool in this process. Consider finding a qualified hypnotherapist or exploring self-hypnosis techniques specifically designed to rewire your mindset around money. During hypnosis, your subconscious mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions and affirmations.

Affirmations such as "I am fully capable of managing my finances with confidence" or "Money flows abundantly into my life" can help reprogram your mind for financial success. Repeat these affirmations daily during self-hypnosis sessions or as part of your regular routine. Over time, your brain will create new neural pathways that support these positive beliefs, replacing the old patterns of fear and limitation.

To further reinforce your transformation, surround yourself with positive influences. Read inspiring books that teach financial empowerment, listen to motivational podcasts that share success stories, and connect with like-minded individuals who have overcome their money fears. Their experiences and insights can provide additional support and inspiration along your journey.

Remember, the journey to financial empowerment starts within your mind. By leveraging the power of neuroplasticity and hypnosis, you have the ability to challenge and transform your limiting beliefs. Open yourself to new opportunities, unlock your true potential, and embrace a positive and abundant mindset regarding money.

Step 3: Harness the Power of Your CPA for Financial Success

One key player you must not overlook in your journey toward financial empowerment is your Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Meeting with your CPA regularly, ideally quarterly, is of utmost importance. Additionally, implementing a monthly soft close of your Profit and Loss (P&L) statement can provide valuable insights you may not have considered. Your CPA has the expertise to identify areas where tax savings can be realized and provide guidance on optimizing your financial strategy.

You gain access to a wealth of knowledge and experience by scheduling regular meetings with your CPA. They have a keen eye for identifying potential tax savings, financial opportunities, and areas where you can improve your cash flow. While you focus on running your business or managing your household, your CPA can provide invaluable insights that may not be immediately apparent.

During these meetings, your CPA will review your financial statements, analyze your P&L, and offer expert advice tailored to your unique circumstances. They can help you navigate the complexities of tax planning, identify deductions or credits you may have overlooked, and provide guidance on optimizing your financial operations.

Furthermore, implementing a monthly soft close of your P&L statement lets you and your CPA have a clear and up-to-date picture of your financial performance. This proactive approach ensures that any issues or opportunities are identified in a timely manner, allowing you to make informed decisions and adjustments.

Remember, your CPA has the ability to see things that you may not. Their trained eye and in-depth knowledge of tax laws and financial strategies can uncover valuable insights and opportunities for tax savings. By collaborating with your CPA regularly and implementing a monthly soft close, you can maximize your financial potential and stay ahead of the game.

Embrace the partnership with your CPA, and together, you can navigate the intricate finance landscape, optimize your tax savings, and achieve your financial goals.

Embrace the Transformation

Now that you have these powerful steps in your arsenal, it's time to take action and embrace the transformation. You can overcome your fear of money and adopt a healthier relationship with your business cash flow.

Step by step, cultivate financial awareness, seek expert guidance, and challenge your limiting beliefs. As you implement these strategies, you'll notice a positive shift in your mindset and newfound confidence in managing your finances.

Don't let fear hold you back from achieving your business goals. Embrace the journey toward financial empowerment, and watch as your business thrives.

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Dave Goodall

Dave Goodall, the founder of, is a highly accomplished business growth advisor and executive coach with over 25 years of practical business experience as an Electrical Engineer in the Fortune 500 space. As a Certified High-Performance Coach, Certified Scrum Master, and accredited practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis, he possesses a unique skill set that enables him to assist business owners and founders in leveraging their innate talents for exceptional performance, all while prioritizing their relationships and well-being. Dave has guided numerous companies throughout his career to surpass their growth objectives by implementing innovative strategies, optimizing teams, and empowering executive leadership. Dave's passion is helping leaders discover fulfillment, vitality, and profound connections through meaningful pursuits.

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IT'S OFFICIAL... I'm extremely proud and excited to announce that I've been accepted as an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine!!! Over the coming months, I'll be writing regular articles about <(insert your topic of expertise)> for Brainz readers to enjoy - I'll be sure to share them with you all here too, so watch this space!

Brainz Magazine is a fast-growing global digital publication covering Business, Lifestyle, Mindset, Sustainability, and Leadership topics. The editorial teams have a strong understanding of what their readers are interested in, and the magazine reaches over 300,000 people every week, spanning over 65 countries!

Brainz Magazine is known for inviting top entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized companies, scientists, and influential leaders to contribute to the magazine, which they hand-pick for their expertise. As you can imagine, it's a huge honor to have the opportunity to publish my expertise online on a regular basis, and I'm delighted to be joining them!

Brainz Magazine publishes influential articles that inspire, educate, or motivate its readers - you can take a look here:

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How We Help!

We specialize in assisting business owners with escaping the daily grind by establishing a consistent cash flow, boosting profit margins, and enabling them to achieve their personal and financial goals year after year. Through the application of tapmental's "What If Principle," we implement improved operational processes and empower strategic management decisions.

We specialize in assisting business owners with escaping the daily grind by establishing a consistent cash flow, boosting profit margins, and enabling them to achieve their personal and financial goals year after year. Through the application of tapmental's "What If Principle," we implement improved operational processes and empower strategic management decisions.

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