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Why Firing Your Underperforming Worker Could Be the Worst Thing You Could Do - Part 1

Why Firing Your Underperforming Worker Could Be the Worst Thing You Could Do - Part 1

June 09, 20222 min read

Do you remember Sea-Monkeys? Or, if you are under 40, did you ever hear your parents talk about Sea-Monkeys? 

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Sea-Monkeys were a novelty item created in 1957. They were alive -but not found in nature. Sea-Monkeys were eggs bred in a lab from brine shrimp. They were sold as “instant pets” through advertisements in kids’ comic books in the 1960s and early 1970s.

You ordered a kit and poured a packet of “Water Purifier” into water (distilled was preferred, but tap would do).  

And then you waited. After a day or two, these tiny shrimp-like… shrimp would hatch. They would move around the bowl, tank, or whatever you used to hold the Sea-Monkeys. 

Oftentimes, here’s what really happened. You waited… and waited… and waited. But the Sea-Monkeys never appeared. Many a kid would experience disappointment because the eggs never hatched. 

Even if they did hatch, they looked nothing like the pictures of Sea-Monkeys in the advertisements or packages they came in. Again, that childhood disappointment. 

You felt like you had been robbed

And now it’s happening in your business. 

You brought a team member on to really enhance the future of your organization. You had such high hopes, but now you feel the mighty sting of seamonkey disappointment on yourself already...because they didn’t live up to your expectations. 

As a business owner or senior manager, it is disturbing to have one or more underperforming employees in your company. 

What did you do wrong? Did you oversell the position? Are you not such a keen judge of talent? 

You are having buyer’s remorse. You may feel your only choice is to fire the underperforming employee. It’s not something to which you look forward.

Is there an alternative? 

There is! If you learn this strategy it could turn a blunder into a real “boon” for your business. Stay tuned for next week's article to see how to tap into what we call: “The Turnaround Effect”. 

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Dave Goodall

Dave Goodall, the founder of, is a highly accomplished business growth advisor and executive coach with over 25 years of practical business experience as an Electrical Engineer in the Fortune 500 space. As a Certified High-Performance Coach, Certified Scrum Master, and accredited practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis, he possesses a unique skill set that enables him to assist business owners and founders in leveraging their innate talents for exceptional performance, all while prioritizing their relationships and well-being. Dave has guided numerous companies throughout his career to surpass their growth objectives by implementing innovative strategies, optimizing teams, and empowering executive leadership. Dave's passion is helping leaders discover fulfillment, vitality, and profound connections through meaningful pursuits.

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IT'S OFFICIAL... I'm extremely proud and excited to announce that I've been accepted as an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine!!! Over the coming months, I'll be writing regular articles about <(insert your topic of expertise)> for Brainz readers to enjoy - I'll be sure to share them with you all here too, so watch this space!

Brainz Magazine is a fast-growing global digital publication covering Business, Lifestyle, Mindset, Sustainability, and Leadership topics. The editorial teams have a strong understanding of what their readers are interested in, and the magazine reaches over 300,000 people every week, spanning over 65 countries!

Brainz Magazine is known for inviting top entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized companies, scientists, and influential leaders to contribute to the magazine, which they hand-pick for their expertise. As you can imagine, it's a huge honor to have the opportunity to publish my expertise online on a regular basis, and I'm delighted to be joining them!

Brainz Magazine publishes influential articles that inspire, educate, or motivate its readers - you can take a look here:

Unleashing The Power Of Neuroplasticity – 5 Steps On How To Rewire Your Brain For Business Success

In this insightful article by Dave Goodall, Executive Contributor, readers are introduced to the transformative concept of neuroplasticity and its direct application to achieving business success. Dave underscores the importance of adaptability and continuous learning for modern business leaders while shedding light on how neuroplasticity can enhance cognitive abilities and mental agility. He provides readers with five actionable steps to harness the power of neuroplasticity, enabling them to rewire their brains for success in the dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape.

Unlocking Business Success – NLP And Hypnosis Coaching For $5M+ Growth

In this compelling blog article by Dave Goodall, Executive Contributor, readers are introduced to the transformative potential of high-performance business coaching infused with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnosis. Dave illustrates how this unique coaching method not only empowers business owners with enhanced clarity, strategic thinking, and creativity but also streamlines company systems for substantial revenue growth, aiming for $5 million and beyond. If you're ready to unlock your business's full potential and embark on a path to unprecedented success, Dave's insights on NLP and Hypnosis in business coaching provide a roadmap for achieving your goals.

How We Help!

We specialize in assisting business owners with escaping the daily grind by establishing a consistent cash flow, boosting profit margins, and enabling them to achieve their personal and financial goals year after year. Through the application of tapmental's "What If Principle," we implement improved operational processes and empower strategic management decisions.

We specialize in assisting business owners with escaping the daily grind by establishing a consistent cash flow, boosting profit margins, and enabling them to achieve their personal and financial goals year after year. Through the application of tapmental's "What If Principle," we implement improved operational processes and empower strategic management decisions.

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